Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How Do I Afford All of This?

Like I've said before, I'm a festival junkee. I can't get enough of them and the minute I hear of one, I have to go to it. It's not a want, it's a need. And with more and more festivals being added to that list, that means more and more money to be spent. Let me break it down  how much I spend at a festival.

Average prices of:

Ticket - $300
Gas - $40-$65
Food- $30-$75
Merch- $30-$60
camping supplies- $30
Alcohol- $50-$100
Misc. - $150-$150
Hotel- $90

Now these prices are not the same with every event I go to, but most of them are in the higher range. Some festivals are cheaper, but those are the ones I have to get a hotel for. The ones I need a hotel for, don't really need camping supplies for that. But on average, the total comes out to be anywhere from $500-$700. I could literally buy a car if I stopped going to all these fests. No joke, last year I attended 7 different music festivals... 7. Insane amount of money and insane amount of good times.

The number one question I get is, " how do you afford to go to all of this?!" My answer; living at home with mom and dad and having a job. Since I live at home, I don't pay for rent, utilities, or groceries so therefore I have all this money from waiting tables to festival hop. Almost my entire budget goes in to my next festival, many think it's ridiculous. You may think it sucks living at home, but I know that the memories and awesome friends I've made from doing this is so much better than having my own place. I'm taking advantage of this time in my life because I know here in a few months after I graduate, it will all have to come to a halt.

Being an adult but not having to be an adult yet is exciting and I'm not ready for this to end. I really am having the best years of my life right now.


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