Thursday, October 1, 2015

Festival Do's and Don'ts

With Austin City Limits weekend 1 coming up this weekend and myself attending weekend 2 next weekend, I thought it would be a good idea to write some tips on how to prepare. Luckily, ACL is a festival where you can go back to a hotel room after a full day of walking and dancing for countless hours, so you don't have to be as prepared than if you had to camp.

Always eat a BIG breakfast. And when I say big, I mean until you absolutely can't eat another bite. Breakfast may be your only meal of the day and it'll be your biggest source of energy.

Backpacks are important, preferably a camelbak backpack because those hold water bladders.

With that being said,  DO STAY HYDRATED. I can't stress this enough. Keep drinking water because even if you're not thirsty, you're most like still dehydrated and that makes for a terrible time.

Do bring in little snacks like granola bars. Most festivals allow you to bring in small snacks.

Toilet paper. Especially for us girls. Never assume that the port-o-potties will have TP because by the end of the night, none of them will.

If you're a drinker on a budget ( like myself), smuggle it in. Best way to do that is drink the clear liquor, fill up a water bottle to the brim. You're allowed to bring in an unsealed water bottle, but the security really just checks to see if it's filled all the way.

Do be weather alert. Prepare for heat, or cold, or rain, or whatever mother nature may throw at you that weekend and make the best of it. This is about to be the best weekend of your life, don't be unprepared and have weather ruin it!

Do expect to make new friends! You'll meet the craziest people but also the nicest people and maybe even some forever friends.

Don't start the party too early, you'll miss the artists you really want to see at night. Trust me.

Don't wander and lose your friends. Always make a meeting point at a certain time if your group separates or you will never find them.

Don't expect to have cell service. There are 80,000 other festival attendees all trying to use their phone at the same time.

Don't be that Guy. What do I mean by that you ask? I mean don't be that asshole that gets mad if someone wants to get closer than you to the stage, because no matter where you stand, someone will want to get closer. Don't be the guy that doesn't help out someone in need, 9/10 someone will help you when you're in need. Pretty much don't be the Debbie downer.

Don't ever underestimate getting sunburned. Just because it's October doesn't mean you can't burn to a crisp anymore. I learned that the hard way.

Don't walk into the port-o-pots barefoot. I feel like this is common sense, but I've seen it and yes you will get looked at. I am a person that loves to walk barefoot around grassy festivals but I always carry flip flops in my backpack just for that.

First time festival goers may need advice on what to pack. Well have no fear because I can give you the most important things you will need.
Packing List:
- Sunglasses/ back up pair
- Sunscreen
- At least $60 ( you may never know what will happen)
- If you don't like being in the crowd, a sheet to sit or lay on
- Small flashlight to help in the port-o-pots at night
- Hand sanitizer
- Baby wipes
-Water Bottle ( reusable)
- Backpack/camelbak
- Hair ties
- Hats ( helps with shade)
- Raincoat/ rain boots 

Austin City Limits is a wonderful weekend filled with amazing people, incredible artists, and will create beautiful memories you will cherish for a lifetime. Do have a fantastic time and happy festing!


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